The Company FLECXOTOS previously known as named Sarandot Polymerss was started on 01/10/2007 and get import Export License from the year of 2007. This is a Proprietorship concern. Proprietor Mr.C.Somasundaram started this company to serve the needs of the Printers related to Textile Printing Industry and Also related Product of Textiles like Fabrics, Garments and other Fabric oriented. The company has its base in Tirupur, the place from where Garments and related products are exported to various countries.

Initially the company was engaged in the Photo Polymer plate processing and coming years the promoter decided to add another product to their list. It was then realized that a printer needs Photo polymer apart from the inks and labels.

In the year 2008, after all the related market analysis, it was decided to engage into trading of inks with Branded. Perfectos

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